
Flowerstone Financial News & Insights

STS Race Report

STS Race Report

The trees were full of color as the grey cliffs surrounded me on a 10-mile swim through the Tennessee River gorge.  After completing a 6-mile swim earlier this summer, I wanted to test myself and see if I could go further.  My curiosity persisted and there was only...

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You’ve got mail! 

You’ve got mail! 

Sunday October 9th marks World Post Day, recognizing postal services around the globe.  Most of our communications today have moved electronically to phones and computers.  Where would we be without text messaging and email?  Yet, receiving a birthday card is still...

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Save, Invest, Spend

Save, Invest, Spend

These three words are very powerful when you right size them to fit your financial decisions today.  Saving to cash reserves for opportunities and planning margins.  Investing for future wealth.  Spending the rest with confidence. In a declining market, this approach...

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Earlier this year I read “Let my people go surfing, the education of a reluctant businessman” by the founder, and now prior owner of Patagonia clothing company.  I truly enjoyed this book which was originally published in 2005.  Recently, Yvon Chouinard, transferred...

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Three thoughts…

Three thoughts…

Company values contracting, expanding, and contracting again can test the patience of the best investors.  This up/down movement in prices is unsettling, especially if you allow account values to define your progress as an investor.  If you haven’t created or updated...

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So, you want to be an investor…

So, you want to be an investor…

We (investors) love watching our accounts expand.  It’s nice to see forward progress in values so you get closer to what you want.  This calendar year so far has been “less awesome” from an investment perspective.  The roaring returns of the past several years, decade...

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September will arrive later this week, so will our semiannual review meetings.  I learned years ago that attempting to squeeze all planning items into a single annual meeting was unproductive.  This didn’t allow time for clients to share personal updates or urgent...

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Goal setting…

Goal setting…

Can be tricky at times.  It may be challenging to get clear on exactly what you want personally, professionally, or financially.  Talking out loud with someone you trust is helpful as it forces you to verbalize and organize your why.  A good friend who listens is...

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Financial Plumbing

Financial Plumbing

To make better decisions with your money it helps to set up a financial plumbing system.  What’s financial plumbing?  Simply put, it’s moving the right monies to the right account through automation.  Setting it up requires awareness of what’s coming in and what’s...

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Next Chapter

Next Chapter

What are you retiring to one day?  As you vacation this month or next and are away from work and a full calendar, think about this question.  Talk to your spouse or significant other about what’s possible, what’s on their mind?  What exactly are you both working...

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Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Flowerstone Financial are not affiliated. Cambridge does not offer tax or legal advice.

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1900 Reston Metro Plaza, Suite 600
Reston, Virginia 20190

Give Ryan a Call: 571-489-7181
Give Taylor a Call: 571-489-7186

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Flowerstone Financial