Flowerstone Financial News & Insights

Preparing to swim in open water, what you need to know:
Swimming in lakes, rivers, and oceans all offer something special beyond the back-and-forth laps in a pool. Swimming with friends for fun or competitively in an event, open water distances can vary. As I expand my distance and discover how far I can swim out of...

Understanding the Difference Between Fixed Income and Equity Investing
Fixed income investing traditionally has been categorized as “safer” when compared to investing in equities. Why is that? Purchasing high quality debt tends to generate less volatility in returns when compared to buying companies. With less up/down in price, the...

Three actions to take after you file your tax return
Chances are your tax return is completed and payments (if any) have been made. This is a great time to reflect on the remaining eight months of 2023. How are you progressing towards your personal and financial goals? A periodic check-in can make the most of your...

Take Action in April for Financial Literacy Month
April is financial literacy month, a month focused on expanding one’s knowledge on a wide range of financial topics. Raising awareness on better financial decisions may lead to a more secure future. How? Perhaps by reading more, listening to podcasts, or...

A Case study in Cash Reserves
Every investor should evaluate their cash reserves before selecting an investment/s. Integrating your cash and investments together into a financial plan can be as simple or complex as your life requires. Let’s look at three different investors at varies life...

Finding Your Why: An Exercise to Clarify Priorities in Turbulent Times
There’s a sea of information for investors to sort through today. Our opinions and experiences shape how we handle money. As ideas become organized in our head, we establish a foundation from where decisions can be made. Over time, we manage new information and...

How To Control Your Cash Flow (So That It Doesn’t Control You)
Regardless of your age, cash flow determines your choices. Everyday decisions such as what we spend, where we live, and the destination of our next vacation are all cash flow based. Cash flow arrives from various sources including full-time employment, a side...

Understanding the Difference Between Risk and Volatility
Let’s clear up the confusion between risk and volatility when investing. Risks are real and consistently evolving. This requires an investor to periodically re-assess their exposure and comfort level. Examples include liquidity risk which is failing to set aside...

What is Your Definition of Enough? Quantifying Your Health and Wealth
Managing financial decisions are just as important as maintaining your health. Both require you to be intentional with your time and resources. Our happiness with our current dollars and fitness can often be tied to who we compare ourselves to. It’s natural, at the...

Pretax vs. After Tax vs. Roth – What’s Best for Your Retirement?
Tax diversification plays a key role in retiring successfully and staying successfully retired. Investors who embrace this approach while accumulating their wealth will have more choices at retirement. A challenge all investors face is the ever-changing tax...
Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Flowerstone Financial are not affiliated. Cambridge does not offer tax or legal advice.

1900 Reston Metro Plaza, Suite 600
Reston, Virginia 20190
Give Ryan a Call: 571-489-7181
Give Taylor a Call: 571-489-7186