
Flowerstone Financial News & Insights

Head Start

Head Start

Here’s one step to take now to get a financial head start on the new year!  Create a balance sheet that tallies everything you own and all that you owe.  Paper and pencil work well, however I’ve found digital copies more valuable.  The value of a balance sheet is to...

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It’s the season of giving, how much should you give?  Should it be a cash gift or asset gift?  Should you gift one time or on a continuing basis?  Consider the following so your gift may make the largest impact possible. Timing: To qualify for a tax deduction this...

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Rat Poison

Rat Poison

Nick Saban, head coach of Alabama’s football team, often refers to storylines and journalism, both good and bad, as “rat poison”.  He recognizes what’s written or said in the media will be a distraction to his players, coaches, and staff.  Wisely, he understands this...

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Indoor cycling

Indoor cycling

I love to ride my bike outdoors in all kinds of weather (except pouring rain).  Last November, I bought cycling boots and more layers to brave the chilly winter weather.  I thought this would keep me outside from January to March, it didn’t.  I learned it’s really...

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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year! The celebration will be that much sweeter this year as we will be together with family. The pies have been ordered from The Pie Gourmet (best pie shop ever) and the turkey is brining away in the frig. Things do not...

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I love getting my progress reports each week from Fitbit! Generally showing up each Tuesday morning via email providing me insight from the last seven days of activity. My favorite metrics are my average hours of restful sleep and resting heart rate. There are lots of...

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Short-Term Planning

Short-Term Planning

Can short-term planning be as effective as a long term, goal focused plan? I believe so and, in some cases, it may be more beneficial initially then planning for the long run. Financial plans are created to go the distance, often forecasting your probability of...

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Tricks or Treats?

Tricks or Treats?

Tricks or treats, which do you choose? These themes have many applications in life, business, relationships, and money.   Tricks: Failing to have a planLeverageMistaking noise for adviceSeeking complexity when simplicity worksOver/under confidenceThinking it’s...

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Our family has a tradition of going apple picking each October. It is a wonderful time to get outdoors, walk the orchard, and taste all the different varieties. The bushel we quickly fill is more than enough to eat, bake, and share with friends and neighbors. Apples,...

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If you have a son or daughter who is a senior in high school, or was at some point, you likely completed the FAFSA form.  Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA for short, is now available to complete online.  This helps determine various forms of financial...

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1900 Reston Metro Plaza, Suite 600
Reston, Virginia 20190

Give Ryan a Call: 571-489-7181
Give Taylor a Call: 571-489-7186

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Flowerstone Financial